Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pandora's Box

Well it's getting close now. One more week of rehearsals, adding a gunshot or two, some props, then this weekend - lights and the band. Then what's affectionately called "Hell Week" which always holds the potential for all hell to break loose. I love it. For me it's layering on all the final touches, and with this show we're in great shape. This time is to tighten things up, make scene changes more smooth, nail our parts in songs, and to be comfortably off-book. I'm looking forward to it. I just ran my lines, sang with the cast album on parts that were causing me problems and I feel good. As with this blog and the previous entries I'm not sure where this is going...

But maybe that the point. Or maybe not. It just may be the voices in my head. Saw the publicity shots for the show, and I invite all three of my blog readers to check them out at:

Hell Week reports to come...

Come see this show.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there! i am the girl who comes to alot of the plays like bat boy, johnny appleweed, and now assassins last night. i have to say that i thought the play last night was amazing, to learn why some of the people did what they did and to be able to connect yet not connect...if that makes sense. very deep, emotional, yet funny, i was cracking up the whole time and started to cry from laughing during the middle of the show. loved it!